
You’ve Successfully Enrolled In The School of Money!

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What If You Could Catapult Your Desires Into 3D Reality… In Just 10 Steps?

A Powerful Combination Of The School of Money And This Blueprint Will Help You Realize Your Manifestation Goals 10x Faster.

Dear Friend,

I can’t tell you how proud I am of you for taking this step and enrolling in the School of Money.

But I know that deep down you're probably wondering… Will this really work for me?

You know what…you’re not alone.

Most of us while hopeful, are also laced with a layer of skepticism and resistance.

We think: Is this possible? Is manifestation even real?

How is it different from vision boards, affirmations, meditation, and hypnosis?

I mean, you’ve probably tried and dabbled in a little bit of everything.

However, you’re not only overwhelmed and confused, you’re left with next to no results.

This uncertainty leaves you questioning if manifestation truly works.

The truth is...

Manifestation isn’t a form of philosophy or mumbo-jumbo. It’s a form of science. Set aside preconceived notions and open your mind…for the Money & Life Manifestation Blueprint will catapult you from your desires to seeing it take shape in front of you…in just 10 steps.

Introducing Money & Life Manifestation Blueprint

A 10-step roadmap to helping you create the life of abundance, love, joy, and health you truly deserve.

You see, dear Friend…Life puts us in situations that give birth to our desires. When we desire something, we often pray for it or work hard for it.

But what many don't realize is that the moment we ask for something, it's immediately granted by our Creator, our source.

Not getting what you want might leave you feeling like your prayers are not answered, but the real issue may lie in not knowing how to receive them…due to your natural layer of resistance.

The Money And Life Manifestation Blueprint

is your guide to manifesting your desires into tangible reality with the power of the Law of Attraction.

This course is not just another philosophy; it's grounded in science, providing you with a clear roadmap to manifesting your desires quickly.

When you want to purposely create the life you dream of, whether it's a better relationship or more money in your business, you need to understand how to make it happen.

That's where the 10 Steps Manifestation Blueprint course comes in. It guides you through the process of deliberately creating the reality you desire.

By following these steps, you'll make a quantum leap from just wanting things to actually making them happen in your life.

If you're serious about making your dreams a reality and want to avoid mistakes, this course is essential. It provides a clear step-by-step process to bring your desires into reality.

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The Money & Life Manifestation Blueprint Comes In 2 Powerful Sections:

Identifies Common Resistance Faced

It identifies common resistance faced by entrepreneurs, 9-5 employees, or anyone seeking wealth and abundance, as well as the 14 toxic thoughts that delay the realization of your desires.

You then learn how to dissolve these stubborn abundance blocks.

10 steps that allow you to manifest abundance

Easily the most transformative part of the course, this section introduces to you the 10 steps that allow you to manifest abundance easily and seamlessly…in every single area of your life.

You get to explore your future identity, know when money or manifestation is near, sense impending abundance, and fast-track your manifestation into reality.

Get The TMQ Money & Life Manifestation Blueprint For Only $79 Today!

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The 10-Step Blueprint To Realizing Your Manifestation

A Vision Of The Journey You’ll Be Taking.

Step 01

Harnessing The Power Of Focus To ‘Lighten’ And Accelerate Your Manifestation.

Your entire manifestation process should be as light as buying a pack of gum. Lightness accelerates manifestation. In this module, you will discover how to use the power of Focus to lighten your manifestation process and attract your desires into reality quickly.

Step 02

Attaining And Maintaining The Best EMOTIONAL STATE To Manifest Your Desires.

Without the right emotional state, manifesting your desires is impossible. You must be on a specific emotional frequency to do this.

In this module, you will discover the frequency you should attain for your manifestation to occur, you will also discover how to instantly calibrate yourself back if life ever throws you off that frequency.

Step 03

Activating The BELIEVABILITY Level Required To Manifest Your Desires.

Without believability, you cannot manifest. Many things block believability. And many of us sweep our desires under the carpet because we lack belief.

In step three, you'll learn to identify the resistance and activate the necessary level of believability required to speed up your manifestation process.

Step 04

Creating the SYMBOLISM ANCHOR of Your Desire and Its Manifestation.

Without the right emotional state, manifesting your desires is impossible. You must be on a specific emotional frequency to do this.

In this module, you will discover the frequency you should attain for your manifestation to occur, you will also discover how to instantly calibrate yourself back if life ever throws you off that frequency.

Step 05

Attachment VS Detachment. How To Stay DETACHED To Your Desires YET Manifest Them Successfully.

Yes, you want the thing you're desiring; you're attached to it.

But if you're unable to maintain an equivalent amount of detachment from your desires, you cannot manifest it. When you are attached to something, you're operating in the vibrational frequency of neediness. You’re pushing it away. For example, a woman who’s constantly needy, will not attract a lasting relationship.

Step 5 teaches you how to step back, want something, yet remain detached from your desire.

Step 06

Identifying & Overcoming The RESISTANCE To Your Manifestation.

Did you know that there are over 120 types of resistance?

In this step, you're going to identify the particular and peculiar resistance that is delaying your manifestation as an individual.

You'll know how to recognize it, and you'll know how to dissolve it so that your manifestation can come to reality.

Step 07

QUANTUM LEAPING From Your Reality Into Your Manifestation.

Yes, you want the thing you're desiring; you're attached to it.

But if you're unable to maintain an equivalent amount of detachment from your desires, you cannot manifest it. When you are attached to something, you're operating in the vibrational frequency of neediness. You’re pushing it away. For example, a woman who’s constantly needy, will not attract a lasting relationship.

Step 7 teaches you how to step back, want something, yet remain detached from your desire.

Step 08

Achieve The Highest FREQUENCY To Manifest ANYTHING.

The step teaches you how to become a manifestation Pro, you will learn how to become aware of the energy in your surroundings before it tampers with your manifestation, An effective one second strategy to discipline your thoughts.

You will discover how to Identify and attain the frequency of your desire for everything in this time, space and reality is made up of frequency.

Many people discredit manifestation because they do not know how to do it…but that will not apply to you because at the end of this model, you will have become a frequency pro.

Step 09

The Only ACTIONS You Should Take To Achieve Radical Manifestation.

Many people don't understand how our actions come into play in manifestation.

Step 9 shows you the type of actions you should take to achieve manifestation success. Once you grasp that concept and identify that action, you will never want to take any other action that mere mortals use.

You will know how to use an action that is truly created for you, not based on the opinion of others—but within you, for you, and for the betterment of your life experience.

Step 10

The DAILY ROUTINE To Manifesting Steadily.

The DAILY ROUTINE to manifesting steadily. This last step is what SEALS your manifestation process and teaches you how to strengthen the vibration of your desire, turning your manifestation into 3D reality using a simple yet powerful daily routine.

In this module, you learn to create a daily habit that helps you to manifest your desires consciously and unconsciously.

This routine will enable you to be in a manifestation loop that delivers what you want, allowing you to live the life of a high-vibration human being.


Get The Money And Life Manifestation Blueprint - And Together With The School of Money, Catapult Yourself Forward And Achieve Everything You Desire…And Deserve.

Take Advantage Of Our Limited-Time Bonuses!


Running To Win A Weekend Getaway At A Marriott Hotel

As a Fast-Action bonus, when you get the blueprint today together with the journal, you’ll be in the running to win a weekend getaway at a Marriott Hotel in the city you’re staying in.

This Alone Is Worth Over $1,500!


Exclusive Community

On top of that, you’re given guaranteed entry into our exclusive community, where we will be running a 30-day manifestation spree with our Life Coaches and group members so you find joy and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

The Cost Of Joining This Community Is Over $365 Annually.

That’s Over $2,000 Worth Of Bonuses -
$500 Of Which Is Guaranteed!

All you need to do today is get your Money & Life Manifestation Blueprint Course - and watch as your life changes in leaps and bounds over the next few weeks.

You have nothing to lose…and everything to gain.

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Total Value = $2000+
When You Join Today = $79 Only!