Elite Monetization Club

If You’re Done With the Struggles, Fear, and Overwhelm That Stop You Cold Every Time You Think About Your Online Business…


Here's the real reason why your business isn't where you want it to be, and chances are,

It’s something you never even considered, until now.

PAY ATTENTION because this is important if you don’t want to stay trapped in your business!

Most entrepreneurs who dream of a successful online business face one major (hidden) obstacle that always keeps that dream just beyond their reach.

What is it?

Well, let me ask you a question: If you are currently in business and struggling…

Or if you’re stuck in the “thinking about it” stage then keep reading.. 

Does this sound like you?

“I still have more to learn.”. You constantly feel like you need to learn one more thing, so you read and subscribe to everything you can get your hands on and you stay in a constant state of learning rather than executing…

“I’ll launch when it’s perfect.”The planning never seems to end — there’s always one more detail you need to think about or get in place before you can start making money…

“I just need more time.”. You always feel rushed and pressured, never having enough time. Like you’re drowning in a sea of too much to do, unable to keep juggling it all…

“What if no one buys?” You get paralyzed by the fear of judgement and rejection that comes with self doubt about whether or not your ideas are good enough and if people will pay for them…

“What if I make a wrong move?” You’re overwhelmed by the uncertainty that makes every decision feel like an “all or nothing” gamble, so you never take action…

"Gbemmy, goes the extra mile"

“Gbemmy has an uncanny ability to serve her clients She goes the extra mile to deliver exceptional customer delight It’s been wonderful working with her.”

— Lanre Olusola

You're not alone

You’re experiencing this problem because you're operating from The Employee Mindset....

Say Bye-Bye To The Employee Mindset…

The Employee Mindset is a way of thinking about your business and how you fit into it (most people think in a way that sets them up to fail)… 

This mindset puts hopeful entrepreneurs (just like you) on the path to overwork, frustration, struggle, and failure from the get-go…

This path causes a lot of pain, frustration, wasted energy on the way.

It’s what keeps you working longer hours in your business than you ever did at your job. You’re at your desk everyday at 7am while the kids are having breakfast. And you’re chained there until 9 or 10 at night, long after they’re in bed.

It’s what causes your sleepless nights, the bags under your eyes, and the worry lines that suddenly showed up in the mirror, and you ask, “what the heck happened to me?”

It’s what leads to all your financial stress… putting off paying one bill so you can pay the one you put off last month… juggling credit card balances… draining your savings. 

An “employee mindset” is what keeps you stuck working IN your business. When your VALUE is dependent on your EFFORT (which you never seem to have enough of),“Working Harder” and “Working Longer” becomes your only strategy for growth. And I don’t have to tell you that’s a broken strategy.

and if this applies to you...

If you’re like most struggling entrepreneurs, then chances are, you’re operating from this employee mindset that you learned from your upbringing.

But it's ok! That's all you knew...UNTIL NOW!

With an employee mindset, your growth is dependent on your EFFORT. Everything “new” seems way too risky, which leaves you tip-toeing around the edges of your dream instead of stepping up to take bold action.

It creates a constant need for approval. A need to know more. A need for certainty and security. Needs that will keep you trapped.

It’s a mindset that will leave you overworked, underpaid, and on a surefire route to stress and burnout, with nothing to show for it. 

So, if having your own business seems “unrealistic” or like “a silly dream,” it’s time to lose the employee mindset or stay stuck in your old pattern.

Imagine the Possibility of monetizing consistently...

it's time To take risks.
Don’t let your circumstances dictate what’s possible for you!

When you kick the employee mindset to the curb, you’ll get totally clear on what you need to do to turn your business into a huge success.

You’ll be able to focus your creative talents on what’s important, what you enjoy, and build a business that works without you.

You’ll reach more people than you ever thought possible. Helping them find and live their best lives. 

Once you start thinking with The Elite Monetization Mindset, you’ll start acting and monetizing consistently too.

Starting out, businesses can be a little like babies.

Newborn children are totally dependent on their parents. To feed them. To dress them. To protect them from the world.

And in the beginning, your businesses can require that same kind of constant attention from you. You feel like you have to tend to all the details. To make sure every part of it is working right.

But here’s the thing: Kids grow up.

Eventually, they learn to feed themselves, dress themselves, and drive themselves to the mall. And good parents understand that’s what their job really is: to raise their children to be independent. To be successful on their own.

I mean, can you imagine doing your 43-year-old son’s laundry while he’s still living in his childhood room? (That’d be crazy!) Well, if you wouldn’t do it for your children, why on earth would you do it for your business?

Here is what happens to your business if you DONT kick your employee mindset:

Here is what happens to your business when you kick the employee mindset:

Making this mindset shift on your own, is harder than you think and Thats why you keep taking courses upon courses to "LEARN" MORE about what you already know instead of promoting and selling your Coaching offers...


Because you already know that learning more won’t change the way you think & act!

It’s driven by what you don’t know that you don’t know, by the ideas and beliefs hiding in your mental blind spots (those places that sabotage you over and over). 

Those are what drive your thoughts, actions, and results, regardless of what you know. They’re what keep you stuck on that “hamster wheel” of knowledge — constantly trying to learn more. It’s a major pitfall of an employee mindset.


If you want to change the way you think and act, you need to discover those beliefs that are hiding in your blind spots and keeping you stuck. The problem is… you can’t see them! (That’s why they’re called blind spots!) And then you have to challenge them.

Only once you’ve challenged your beliefs can you experience a real mindset shift and a real change in results. That’s when you instantly transform from employee to an Elite Entrepreneur

And I Will Help You Make That Transformation…

Your Online Course Name

Write one sentence description of your offer or the tagline and hook. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce commodo turpis eu erat blandit efficitur.

What You'll Learn

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Module 1

Headline Goes Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin congue lacus eu metus venenatis mattis. Fusce maximus tellus et est placerat sagittis. Curabitur sed arcu luctus, tristique est et, scelerisque lacus.

Module 2

Headline Goes Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin congue lacus eu metus venenatis mattis. Fusce maximus tellus et est placerat sagittis. Curabitur sed arcu luctus, tristique est et, scelerisque lacus.

Module 3

Headline Goes Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin congue lacus eu metus venenatis mattis. Fusce maximus tellus et est placerat sagittis. Curabitur sed arcu luctus, tristique est et, scelerisque lacus.

Module 4

Headline Goes Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin congue lacus eu metus venenatis mattis. Fusce maximus tellus et est placerat sagittis. Curabitur sed arcu luctus, tristique est et, scelerisque lacus.

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Bonuses (value $297)

Enroll now and you’ll also get these 3 bonus trainings totally FREE! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed iaculis dapibus risus ut bibendum.

The Bonus #1 name goes here ($149 value)

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The Bonus #2 name goes here ($49 value)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu gravida velit. Praesent at urna justo. Sed iaculis dapibus risus ut bibendum elementum.

The Bonus #3 name goes here ($99 value)

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"Highlight success stories of your students to showcase how great your course is."

— Name Here

The support your students will have access to

Weekly Group Call

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Facebook Group

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Workbook & Checklist

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— Name Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt lacus in tempor faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer malesuada ullamcorper finibus. Etiam porttitor eros at.
— Name Here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt lacus in tempor faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer malesuada ullamcorper finibus. Etiam porttitor eros at.
— Name Here

14 Days Money-Back Guarantee

This is where you explain your refund policy and any other guarantee you offer like a 14 day guarantee, if they aren’t satisfied they can ask for a refund. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vehicula odio vitae sem pharetra, ac vulputate urna accumsan.

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Fusce elementum suscipit euismod. Suspendisse ac mattis dui. In non porttitor sapien, sit amet consequat eros. Donec commodo et urna id aliquet. Nam vitae nunc dignissim, euismod quam eu, bibendum nibh. Nam at lobortis eros. Proin varius consequat odio non egestas.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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